Revealing the corporation : perspectives on identity, image, reputation, corporate branding, and corporate-level marketing : an anthology

Section 1: Revealing the corporation: an integrative framework 1. Managing the multiple identities of the corporation (John M. T. Balmer & Stephen A. Greyser) Section 2: Identity: the quintessence of an organization 2. Corporate identity: the myth and the reality (Wally Olins) 3. Make the most of your corporate identity (Walter Margulies) 4. Organizational identity (Stuar t Albert & David Whetten) 5. The effect of organizational structure on corporate identity management (Helen Stuart) 6. Corporate identity and corporate communications (John M. T. Balmer Edmund R. Gray) Section 3: Corporate communications: a dimension of corporate meaning 7. Corporate void (David Bernstein) 8. The management of corporate communication (Cees B. M. Van Riel) Section 4: Corporate image and reputation: the other realities 9. Sharper focus for the corporate image (Pierre Martineau) 10. Image and Substance (James Grunig) 11. The reputational landscape (Charles J. Fombrun & Cees B. M. Van Riel 12. Advancing and enhancing corporate reputation (Stephen A. Greyser) Section 5: The corporate brand: an organization's covenant 13. Brand-building in the 1990s (Stephen King) 14. The impact of corporate marketing on a company's brand extensions (Kevin Lane Keller & David A. Aaker) 15. The three virtues and seven deadly sins of corporate brand management (John M. T. Balmer) Section 6: Case Study 16. Bank one - "the uncommon partnership" (Peter L. Phillips & Stephen A. Greyser) Epilogue: beyond the age of innocence (John M. T. Balmer & Stephen A. Greyser)