Factors That Determine the Necessity for Developing Skills Required by Cadets in Higher Education Institutions of the Aerospace Forces to Organize Their Kettlebell Self-Training
IntroductionModern conditions of conducting warfare against terrorists in Syria and new threats on the part of ISIS (DAESH) and other terrorist organizations towards Russia and other countries require reorganization of PE classes with graduates of higher education institutions of the Aerospace Forces. [14]. Graduates of Aerospace Forces academies are entrusted with serious tasks to liquidate ISIS (DAESH) terrorists on the territory of Syria. In terms of using force, numerous operations to eliminate militants are conducted, which requires considerable mental, physical, and psychological endurance. [1,2,4,5,6,7,9]. The success of combatant operations is in many respects determined by the physical readiness of graduates at higher education institutions of the Aerospace Forces. [12,14]. The physical readiness of graduates at higher education institutions of the Aerospace Forces must satisfy the requirements, determined by modern characteristics of conducting warfare against ISIS (DAESH) militants. [14]. What is very important during such operations is timeliness and reliability of warfare, high efficiency level, stamina and endurance. The above-stated requires special physical training of graduates at higher education institutions of the Aerospace Forces, which is directed to self-maintaining high efficiency and endurance. Under such conditions the main form of physical training of graduates of Aerospace Forces academies is self-training. [14]. In these circumstances, the goal of physical training in Aerospace Forces institutions changes. The goal of physical training in Aerospace Forces higher education institutions is connected with developing skills of self- organized training with kettlebells among cadets. The main direction of physical training in Aerospace Forces higher education institutions must become developing skills of organizing self-training with kettlebells among cadets. [3,5,6,8, 9,11,12,14].The military efficiency and endurance level of graduates at higher education institutions of the Aerospace Forces must satisfy the requirements, determined by modern characteristics of combat task fulfillment. During combat tasks it is very important to show speed and accuracy of movements, promptitude and reliability of officers' actions, high concentration under fatigue. Under such conditions the main type of physical training for Aerospace Forces officers is training aimed at maintaining high efficiency and endurance level. A number of studies showed that an important role in such a training should be played by kettlebell exercises. [8-13].The primary guiding line of physical training for cadets of higher education institutions of the Aerospace Forces must be developing skills of self-training with kettlebells to maintain high efficiency and endurance level. Moreover, the military practice study discovered insufficient readiness for the methodologically correct use of kettlebell exercises by graduates of Aerospace Forces higher education institutions. The typical mistakes of graduates' training in Aerospace Forces higher education institutions is their low methodological preparedness for self-training with kettlebells to maintain high efficiency and endurance level. It adversely affects their efficiency during fulfilling combat tasks.All the stated above indicates that the search of new better ways of self-training with kettlebells is needed to enhance cadets' methodological preparedness to maintain high efficiency and endurance level during physical training in Aerospace Forces higher education institutions.. The search of new better ways is needed to improve cadets' physical readiness to perform combat tasks. The search must be based on the application of self-training skills. Today educational specialists, studying the problems of physical training for cadets of Aerospace Forces higher education institutions, are not in agreement with each other in respect of forming self-training skills among cadets, and also in respect of choosing goals, means, and techniques of education while developing these skills. …