Dynamic Cloud-based Vehicle Apps - Information Logistics in Disaster Response

The efficient management of transportation networks during disruptions caused by manmade accidents or natural disasters is a major attribute of the Resilient Smart City Transportation. There have been extensive research and development towards intelligent automatic disaster response systems. The majority of the proposed systems provide information logistics to the response team. In general, motorists caught in the disaster area typically tend to “go with the flow” or operate in an unorganized manner that may hamper the emergency response efforts. Connected vehicle technology and interactive vehicle applications enable the possibility to provide personalized information to individual motorists. This paper proposes the concept of dynamic vehicle applications integrated with cloud-based intelligent disaster response command and control system to facilitate evacuation, personalized routing, volunteering, and information gathering. The intelligent back end extends the knowledge based disaster response system for professional responders to automatically generate the guidance for the individual participant. The proposed dynamic vehicle applications leverage open source SmartDeviceLink interface and Node.js.