The fatigue performance of the AASHTO and Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code (OHBDC) designs for noncomposite reinforced concrete bridge decks was studied on the basis of tests conducted on small-scale physical models. The type of fatigue loading has a profound influence on the fatigue behavior of the decks. Under a moving constant wheel-load, the initial two-way deck slab action changes to a one-way slab action, whereas under a stationary pulsating load the two-way action is maintained until failure. The bridge decks subjected to a stationary pulsating load exhibited a flexural radial cracking; those under a moving constant wheel-load exhibited a flexural gridlike pattern similar to the grid of the bottom steel layer. For a given applied fatigue load level, the decks subjected to a stationary pulsating loading regime exhibited higher fatigue life than those subjected to a moving constant wheel-load. On the basis of an exponential curve fit of the fatigue data in this study, the 2.5 million load cycle deck fatigue strength under a stationary pulsating load ranges between 0.47 and 0.54 P sub u (safety factor against a 2.5 million load cycle fatigue failure of 5 to 12), where P sub u is the measured static ultimate strength. On the other hand, the 2.5 million wheel-load passage deck fatigue strength under a moving constant wheel-load is estimated to be between 0.21 and 0.28 P sub u (safety factor of 3 to 4). If the efficiency of the deck fatigue design is determined by the number of wheel-load passages on the deck at a given moving wheel-load level ratio (P/P sub u) without deck failure, the OHBDC deck design appears to be more efficient than the AASHTO design.