On the Optimum Synthesis of Six-Bar Linkages Using Differential Evolution and the Geometric Centroid of Precision Positions Technique
This paper presents the development of a methodology for the synthesis of six-bar dwell mechanisms combining Differential Evolution, an evolutionary optimization scheme, and the Geometric Centroid of Precision Positions technique for defining the initial bounds of the design variables. Two penalty functions are employed one for constraint violation and one for relative accuracy. The results of the initial application of this methodology were also used as “good initial guesses” for improving the desired accuracy level. The developed methodology is applied to the synthesis of six-bar linkages for dwell and dual-dwell mechanisms with prescribed timing and transmission angle constraints. The six-bar mechanism is synthesized using two different approaches: four-bar and extension to six-bar, direct six-bar. Results demonstrating the successful application of the developed methodology and the three approaches are presented.Copyright © 2003 by ASME