Association of ectrodactyly and distal phocomelia.

Ectrodactyly and phocomelia are well known limbs malformations. They can be a part of various syndromes, and are more often transmitted with dominant autosomal Inheritance with variable expression and Incomplete penetrance. Different loci have been Identified for ectrodactyly (SHFM1 at 7q21.3q22.1, SHFM2 at Xq26, SHFM3 at 10q24q25, SHFM4 at 3q27), and two genes are known (DSS1 for SHFM1, p63 for SHFM4). We report the case of a 33 year-old female affected with the association of ectrodactyly and phocomelia. It could be a "new" association, or a mild or partial expression of the syndrome Including ectrodactyly, phocomelia, deafness and sinusal arythmia.