Mathematical and Physical Sciences

THIS book, originally intended to be Part 4 of the author's “New Algebra for Schools”, deals comprehensively with the Higher Certificate requirements. The topics discussed include permutations, combinations, finite series, limits, convergence, logarithmic, exponential and quadratic functions, theory of equations and determinants. The treatment is not only thoroughly sound but also fascinating, the student's interest being stimulated from the beginning. In accord with modern experience, Mr. Durell has not hesitated to introduce calculus methods where necessary. The long, cumbersome and often fallacious methods of the older books have therefore been replaced by valid and elegant proofs. Especially is this manifest in the excellent chapter devoted to the logarithmic and exponential functions, which most teachers will appreciate.Advanced Algebra.By Clement V. Durell. Vol. 1. Pp. viii + 193 + xxii. (London: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1932.) 4s.