The effects of slots and flaps on lateral control of a low-wing monoplane as determined in flight
This paper presents the results of flight tests made to determine the effect of slots and flaps on the lateral control of a low-wing monoplane. Maximum angular accelerations in roll and yaw produced by sudden application of the ailerons and maximum accelerations in yaw produced by sudden application of the rudder during gliding flight were recorded for the following wing arrangements: (a) no auxiliary device; (b) full-span slots; (c) plain flaps; (d) flaps and full-span slots; (e) wing-tip slots. Rolling- and yawing-moment coefficients were derived from the accelerations. The full span slots and the flaps each had about the same influence on the aileron rolling moments. At values of the lift coefficient obtainable with the plain wing, the effect of these devices was negligible. At the higher lift coefficients obtainable with these devices, the rolling-moment coefficients increased slightly but, despite this increase, the aileron effectiveness progressively decreased with increasing lift coefficient, owing to the corresponding reduction in air speed. In the range covered by the tests, the effectiveness of the controls was appreciably reduced by the wing-tip slots. The adverse yawing moment of the ailerons experienced at the large lift coefficients obtained with the flaps was appreciably less than at similar lift coefficients obtained with either full-span or wing-tip slots. The yawing moments produced by the rudder were only slightly affected by the use of the auxiliary devices. The airplane was found to be laterally unstable with all combinations tested. Because of the angular velocities acquired in the time taken to deflect the ailerons the rolling moments recorded in flight were only about two thirds the values that would have been obtained with the wing restrained as in wind-tunnel tests.