한국어 학습자의 문법 습득 양상 연구 (II)

This paper aimed at examining Korean learners' grammar acquisition focusing on the postpositional particle Ii/gal and leun/neun}. As such. we examined 13.748 syllables intermediate mid to advanced low written texts over a two year period. One hundred eighty one errors out of a total of 1.296 [i/ga} and [eun/neun} postpositional particles were investigated. We found a total of 131 errors regarding the use of li/ga} and among them. replacement errors from the use of {eun/neun] occurred 22 times. Errors regarding the use of [sun/neun! numbered 50. of which 16 replacement errors resulting from the use of Ii/gal occurred. representing the largest proportion of leun/neun} errors. The error rates regarding the use of Ii/gal (35.89%) were found to occupy the largest proportion of postpositional particle errors. Compared to leun/neun} replacement errors. li/ga} replacement errors appeared more often. especially in a complex sentence such as a conjunctive and a relative clause. The phenomena of replacement errors involving Ii/sal and Ieun/neunl could be explained by the function and semantic area in terms of grammatical and lexical notion of postpositional particle. In this study. we considered aspects of acquisition of li/ga} and leun/neun} and focused on the educational implications of these postpositional particles with respect to markedness. condition of grammar use. and error cause analysis.