Power Penalty and Bit Error Rate Investigation due to Crosstalk in Bidirectional Optical Transceiver

Optical communication is privileged over conventional radio or microwave communication in its immunity against crosstalk interference under specific constraints such as: "good wave length separation, ideal connectors, splices circulators, arrayed wave guide gratings (AWGs) as well as ideal semiconductor components; Otherwise crosstalk will be a disturbing problem that degrades the system performance. This crosstalk is arising from several impairments such as dispersion, multiple access interference (MAI), all forms of noise, nonlinear effects, and due to the detection of undesired signals at the same numerical wavelength. The severe effect of crosstalk will introduce large power penalties and bit-error rate (BER) that restricting the performance of optical networks. The current manuscript; proposes to tackle the effect of cross talk in bidirectional optical transceiver using good wave length separation with ideal components. Also, investigates the effect of crosstalk on power penalty of optical communication receiver due to the contributions of the thermal noise in PIN photodiode and spontaneous beat noise in avalanche photodiode (AVD). Moreover; the BER performance with and without crosstalk has been evaluated. Furthermore; the relation between the crosstalk versus the number of channels and hops will be investigated.