BIPV installations worldwide in ASI/sup /spl reg// technology

The thin-film technology based on amorphous silicon (a-Si) offers a range of attractive features that are ideally suited for building-integrated photovoltaic installations (BIPV). Solar modules may be assembled to custom-specific BIPV elements for roofs and facades, and thus may combine various functions, namely electricity generation, thermal insulation, shading, and even satisfy aspects of architectural design. Some of these functions rely on the fabrication of semitransparent modules that exhibit a color-neutral see-through effect (ASI THRU/sup /spl reg//). Compared to other PV technologies, a-Si modules show only a minor reduction in power output at elevated temperatures and at lower light levels, and thus offer superior energy yields per peak power. Recent BIPV installations worldwide demonstrate various design possibilities and build on the track record of past installations since 1992.