The circular laser writing system for writing of arbitrary patterns of diffractive elements in chromium films and photoresists has been developed as an alternative method for laser or e-beam writing in x-y system of coordinates. This system is able to generate binary amplitude and continuous- tone patterns with features of less than 1 micrometers and accuracy of 0.1 micrometers on substrates up to 300 mm diameter. Construction of the circular laser writing system (CLWS) designed at the IA&E and writing strategies such as laser beam addressing in polar coordinate system are described. This article presents the overview and analysis of writing errors. The characteristics of zone plates and linear gratings fabrication and methods of errors measurement are given. The measurements of wavefront errors of binary f/1.1 zone plates and linear polar system gratings with period of less than 5 micrometers fabricated by CLWS demonstrate the high quality of writing strategy.