International Trade and Competition: Cases and Notes in Strategy and Management

Part 1: Theories of International Trade: Note on Comparative Advantage Note on Sources of Comparative Advantage 'New' Theories of International Trade. Part 11: Comparative Advantage and Industry Structure: The Japanese Facsimile lndustry in 1990 The Global Semiconductor Industry, 1987 The Global Computer Industry. Part Ill: Comparative Advantage and Corporate Strategy: B-W Footwear Lotus Development Corporation: Entering International Markets Hoechst and the German Chemical Industry Hoechst in the US Part IV: lntermediation in International Trade Japan's Sogosha General Electric Trading Company, 1985 Note on Trade Finance. Part V: Alliances in International Competition Swissair's Alliances Xerox and Fuji Xerox MIPS Computer Systems The FS-X Project. Part VI: The Political Economy of Trade Policy: Textiles and the Multi-Fiber Arrangement Note on Free Trade and Protectionism Europe 1992 North American Free Trade Agreement.- Free for Whom? The General Agreement on Tariffs and trade. Part VII: Trade Policy and Corporate Strategy: Searching for Trade Remedies The US Machine Tool Industry, 1983 United States Trade Law The Semiconductor Industry Association and the Trade Dispute with Japan Canada Packers and the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement. Part VIII: Industrial Policy and International Competition Motorola and Japan Collision Course in Commercial Aircraft: Boeing-Airbus-McDonnell Douglas, 1991 Zenith and High Definition Television, 1990 Fusion Systems Corporation in Japan.