Europeanising party politics? : comparative perspectives on central and Eastern Europe

1. Introduction: Europeanising party politics? Central and Eastern Europe after EU enlargement, by Paul G. Lewis 2. Party management and state colonisation in post-communist Europe: the European dimension, by Petr Kopecky and Maria Spirova 3. Political parties and their consolidation in post-communist new democracies: indirect and direct impacts from EU enlargement, by Geoffrey Pridham 4. Changing patterns of political participation, by Mitja Hafner-Fink, Danica Fink-Hafner and Alenka Krasovec 5. Voter turnout and electoral success of pro-European parties in post communist Europe, by Mikolaj Czesnik 6. Patterns of party competition, by Zsolt Enyedi and Fernando Casal Bertoa 7. The radical right in post-communist Europe: comparative perspectives on party competition, by Lenka Bustikova and Herbert Kitschelt 8. The quality of social, partisan and governmental representation, by Radoslaw Markowski and Zsolt Enyedi 9. (Shallow) Europeanisation and party system instability in post communist states: how changing constraints undermine the development of stable partisan linkages, by Robert Ladrech 10. Conclusion, by Radoslaw Markowski