주행경로에 따른 국내 소형자동차 실제도로 주행 질소산화물 배출량 특성

Despite of recently strengthened vehicle emission regulations, NOx emissions are not decreased in urban areas because of discrepancies between certification emission test modes and real driving conditions. Thus, researches on RDE-LDV (Real-driving Emission-Light-duty Vehicle) have been conducted actively using PEMS (Portable Emissions Measurement Systems). In the present study, NOx emissions were measured for 5 Korean light duty vehicles for real driving conditions including city, combined, highway, and up-downhill test route. Emission characteristics were analyzed for averaged NOx emissions per unit driving distance of each driving test routes. Furthermore, MAW (Moving Average Window) method based on CO₂ emissions from WLTC, which will be supported for EU regulations, was utilized. It was revealed that DRs (deviation ratios) for diesel vehicles (i.e., 5.1 ~ 8.4) were greater than gasoline vehicles (less than 0.15). Especially DR of diesel vehicle for up-downhill test route was 8.4, which indicates severe NOx emissions.