Stochastic Path Model of Polaroid Polarizer for Bell's Theorem and Triphoton Experiments

Depending on the outcome of the triphoton experiment now underway, it is possible that the new local realistic Markov Random Field (MRF) models will be the only models now available to correctly predict both that experiment and Bell's theorem experiments. The MRF models represent the experiments as graphs of discrete events over space-time. This paper extends the MRF approach to continuous time, by defining a new class of realistic model, the stochastic path model, and showing how it can be applied to ideal polaroid type polarizers in such experiments. The final section discusses possibilities for future research, ranging from uses in other experiments or novel quantum communication systems, to extensions involving stochastic paths in the space of functions over continuous space. As part of this, it derives a new Boltzmann-like density operator over Fock space, which predicts the emergent statistical equilibria of nonlinear Hamiltonian field theories, based on our previous work of extending the Glauber–Sudarshan P mapping from the case of classical systems described by a complex state variable α to the case of classical continuous fields. This extension may explain the stochastic aspects of quantum theory as the emergent outcome of nonlinear PDE in a time-symmetric universe.

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