Salt Lake City
.\I.\H:o.1I \ 1.1. .1' \"':0., ---(1--So I walked along looking at the dry and irregularly brauehing roots, the thiek coarse stump, the unsightly scars, when suddenly my attention waslix,-,l. The s"ars-what were they if not the old leaf-scars ~ That was easily proved by the young buds just startin~ from their axils, and here were also evi,lellces of the bundles, six, eight, t"II, and SOIllCtimes 11101'1' of them to each leaf-scar, AII<! tlw a rr angement of the scars, too,not 0P!'"site, as in the lilac and horse-chestnut already stllllie.l, not alternate, as in till' willow and the cherry, hut, hy a curious spiral arrangement, these scars were thickly crowded around the stem. How mallY spirals to the stem ~ Ten, as lH'al·l.y as I could make them out, and following 'upward to the dose and com pact arrangement of the scars around the head, the spi ral order (or ratlll'r the double spiml order, for the leaf scars alternate in the spirals) was seen to be wit.hout doubt th e be s t economy of space. A ga i 11 passing the eye along the stem, how noticeahle the challge of color,_the dark green intervals between the scars at the lower part of the stem, and the entire I:ll'k of green on the upper part of the stem, where the thiekly crowded leaves so heavily sha,le it, lIere, then, in the cahbage stump was a nice lesson on ehlorophyll awl the chemical inflnence of sllnshine ill ,Ieveloping these coloring grains in the cells, These weI''' SOIllC of the supel'lit'ial ohsel'\'ati"us j m:llie as I walked a!ou~, That whi"h I hel,1 in IllY hallli was no longer an unsil'(lltly ohje"t. hut an ill!l'r. estinl'( hit of p,'rsonalpro!,l'rty, wllil'h I ,',-sol\"(',1 tll take hllllle WIth IlIC that I might more carefnlly sh"I~' it. at. my Icisure. lillIe",!, so ten,ler hall I ht>eome of that whi,'h was Ill)" own, that when mit'l"oscope aUlI clbsct·tillg knife '1' ...... rt-,,,ly. I "olll.l h'lI'llly saerili,'e Illy StU'"p to s..i"lItitic sltllly, 1J11t n'sol\',·,1 to plallt. it. that I might watl'li itl:ig'l'owth awl in the IlW.lI1 time make a raill Oil a lIt'i.~lIbol'illg' ('pIlar. This I ,Ii,l a",1 Was '\'I,ll r.'wal'llt·,l hy liI"lilll'( a >tlllllP wilh 11t':ul aU,...I..,.I, fl"Om t~c wry top of whil'll tltl' :--tt'1II W;I:{ growillg' rapidl.", Thil::l upward growing' :;tt'lll was dPI'ply rillllt'(l :\11«1 sOlll('what angulal' ill shapl'. \\ith :oI}lt'padillg' ll';l\·ps. uoft so t·oIllJl:ldly al'l':IIlg.,,,. ;1I1t1 "f a IlIOI'e dl·,l\\'lI·out simpI' tllall th" low"" l..a\'I's I,,"I h"I'II_ \\·hat. all I'IIlll.,ss possihility of growth a",1 h'a\'l's to this IIpwal'l1 SII'III, for it had the rid, slordlOlIse of t.llt· whole .'ahhal'(lh,-:"l allli stUllIp helow it. I'lIlIilll'( olT a f,nv of the large fleshy leaves a",1 ex:ullillilll'( thelll, tI ... pilhy layers w"n' foulld t.o "III'· rl'sl'0Il.1 to the pit.hy 1a~"'rs in thc stclll, hoth ridJly f\ll'lIish,',1 with 1'00.1 malerial. Tilt' l'it·1J Sl1rI'ulpllt lflilvc:-; \\,fll't' tOI'II1('11 of a strollg' net·work of VI'ins o,·"rlai,l on eith"l" sitl .. hy It pa" of this pilllY slIhstall"., whi,'h underlay tl,,""i,l""mis, aliI!, as if to gin' more :·ml-ral'u for' the o\'C'l'laJing til th ..s.. ":l,ls, tl", sort parts of th Ican-s w..,'c wrillll1.,.1 :11,,1 ".'''Tinkletl, Tht' main fl'ilIlH'-Wol'k IHIWf·Vt'I'. wa.'i IIt'VPI' foltIt'd in this \\':1)'. btlt R}lt'l':lll ollt'awl g-;L\'C tlll ' }lI'OIlt'1' tIig-nit.' allll RIm"" to till''. UIltII'I' thp JlIi(,I'()~t'nllC the stolllata, 01' hl'pathill~ pon's ill th .. ppich1 l'JniH, Wt'I'(' found ill IIH)(ltwatn all1lll<1all('t', hnt. I'atlu'r IIWl'p IHUIIPI'OIlS Oil the insitlf' of the thall Oil t.he outsi.le, a1111 mol'c 011 t.he soft part of t I,,' t.han 011 the Hins. Otll' t·t1l'iOllS ft'attlt'n of thpsc stomata wa~ t.11f' Jnanne,' ill whi,'h thpy sl'l'lllc,1 to I,c hlllltll",1 t.o~pthrr ill gronps of live or six, wlmlt! 10 " 1'1.1' h,';ght sPllll cruel