Experimental Investigation of Timber-Concrete Compsite Structures by Special Type Dowels

In the framework of ongoing research project the behaviour of composite timber-concrete structures and its connections are being studied at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Osijek. Experimental and analytical studies are being conducted in order to improve the understanding of the composite action and to establish strength and stiffness relations for these structures. The composite action secured by dowels, which are serially being produced, has been of special interest. One-sided dowels of Type C (according to DIN 1052 T2 Dowel Type C) have been chosen for the investigation. Experimental tests are being performed on full-scale models and consist of two main phases: - Tests of the models during long-term continuos loading (rheology), - Tests of the models to ultimate load under static loading (strength and stiffness). The loading has been applied according to predetermined test program. Changes in the flexural stiffness of the composite structure have been measured through measurements of the mid-span deflections. Description of the models, loading phases and experimental results of the tests are presented in this paper.