Aluminium K-shell emission of laser-generated hot plasma at solid density in high spectral and subpicosecond time resolution

We focused ultra short frequency doubled laser pulses on solid AL targets with a thin surface layer of carbon as tamper material. Iso choric heating of aluminum can be achieved this way. We are investigating the K-shell emission by means of a high resolution von Hamos crystal spectrometer. The spectra show line broadening and shifting compared to low density plasma emission. From spectral analysis an electron temperature of (200-400)eV at an electron density close to solid sate are determined. Time resolved spectra are detected by coupling a conical crystal to a sub-ps x-ray streak camera in accumulation mode, providing a time resolution of 0.9 ps when averaging over a large number of laser shots. K-shell line durations in the range of (1-2) ps are observed this way.