A Case of Acute Pancreatitis with Methaemalbuminaemia

manufacturers issue a warning against the possible potentiation of the action and side-effects of phenothiazine compounds by amine oxidase inhibitors. However, the potentiation of toxic actions does not appear to be a very real danger. Combinations of drugs of these two groups have been used in psychiatric practice with apparent impunity (Bailey et al, 1959; Ayd, 1960; Holt et al., 1960; Gosline et al., 1960). Though the experience of many workers indicates that the danger of liver damage by pheniprazine is unequivocally less than with iproniazid, the fact that jaundice and severe hepatic damage can occur in patients treated with this drug should be taken into account when prescribing the drug. The combination of phenothiazines and mono-amine oxidase inhibitors involves a risk the potential of which has not yet been fully assessed.