SAR Image Despeckling Based on Combination of Fractional-Order Total Variation and Nonlocal Low Rank Regularization

Regularization method is an effective tool for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image despeckling. Design of the effective regularization terms describing the image priors plays a vital role in this kind of method. In this article, a new combinational regularization model for speckle reduction (CRM-SR) is proposed, in which a regularization term is elaborately designed to contain both a fractional-order total variation (FrTV) regularization and a nonlocal low rank (NLR) regularization. The new regularization model inherits both the advantages of FrTV and NLR and improves the performance of SAR despeckling and, therefore, better preserves the edges and geometrical features of the images during the despeckling process. An efficient algorithm based on alternating direction optimization is derived to solve the proposed combinational regularization model. Experimental results show that the proposed model can effectively remove SAR image speckle and preserve the geometrical features of images according to both subjective visual assessment of image quality and objective evaluation.

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