Reconstruction of the MIS 5.5, 5.3 and 5.1 coastal terraces in Latium (central Italy): A re-evaluation of the sea-level history in the Mediterranean Sea during the last interglacial
M. Anzidei | D. Palladino | C. Tolomei | M. Rolfo | F. Marra | B. Jicha | S. Nomade | F. Florindo | A. Smedile | B. Ghaleb | Daniele Aureli | P. Voinchet | J. Bahain | M. Gatta | L. Salari | A. Pereira | O. Tombret | C. Peretto | R. Rocca | C. Falguères | C. Petronio | P. Ceruleo | M. L. Rosa