NS-2 is the most famous simulator among other network simulators. Most of researchers use NS-2 to evaluate their new protocols/architectures. Although NS-2 has much resource and many available tools to generate different characteristics and network scenarios, source codes created on NS-2 is not able to be reused for real implementation. The releasing of NS-3 changes the way researchers work. NS-3 allows the researchers to work on both simulations and emulations with the same implementation and source codes. These can help researchers to evaluate their works on a single computer for simulation or on a real system without wasting their time to implement their works twice; one in NS-2 simulation and the other in real system. In this paper, we elaborate different points of protocol implementation between NS-2 and NS-3. We recommend a setting for mobility trace in order to obtain correct results between NS-2 and NS-3. Then, as a case study, we use DECA, which is a reliable broadcasting protocol for VANETs and previously implemented on NS-2. How to transfer DECA from NS-2 to NS-3 and how to validate its performance are shown. Moreover, an emulation of DECA on real system using NS-3 is described. The emulation results show a problem caused by asymmetric links which is not concerned in most of literatures. In this paper, therefore, we also propose a simple solution to help protocols' operation in the asymmetric link scenarios. The simulation results show that our solution can improve protocol performance.
Klaus Wehrle,et al.
A Performance Comparison of Recent Network Simulators
2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications.
K. Rojviboonchai,et al.
DECA: Density-aware reliable broadcasting in vehicular ad hoc networks
ECTI-CON2010: The 2010 ECTI International Confernce on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology.
Yanghee Choi,et al.
RSS-based Carrier Sensing and Interference Estimation in 802.11 Wireless Networks
2007 4th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks.
Thomas R. Gross,et al.
Connectivity-Aware Routing (CAR) in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
IEEE INFOCOM 2007 - 26th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications.
Ozan K. Tonguz,et al.
DV-CAST: A distributed vehicular broadcast protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks
IEEE Wireless Communications.
Sally Floyd,et al.
ns-3 project goals
A. Varga,et al.