Ultraschallbiomikroskopie - Darstellung des Kapselspannringes bei Pseudophakie

SCOPE OF THE STUDY: We studied the possibility to examine position and determination of IOL and capsular bag supporting ring. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We showed in ten human eyes the identification of capsular bag supporting ring (PMMA, 12,5 mm open diameter) and intraocular lenses (IOL, 13,5 mm diameter) and haptics by ultrasound biomicroscopy in radar and limbus parallel scans 12 to 18 months post operation. RESULTS: Both alloplastic implantates show typical sceems of reflection and could be differentiated by ultrasoundbiomicroscopy. In eyes with zonulolysis up to 6 hours a good centration of capsular bag supporting ring and IOL had been seen, with more zonulolyses a slight subluxation could been shown. CONCLUSION: Ultrasound biomicroscopy is a good method to determine the position of intraocular lens and capsular bag supporting ring.