Satellite Data Fusion Techniques for Terrain and Surficial Geological Mapping

Increased satellite image data availability, with different spatial, spectral, and radiometric resolutions, present some challenges for image fusion techniques to be used in many application areas. In this study, we demonstrate an improved technique combining RADARSAT (SAR), Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Landsat (ETM+) images with surficial geology data into two complementary composite image maps within Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Corridor, Canada. The method includes four processing steps. (1) The shaded relief derived from DEM was blended with SAR data to produce 3-D effect for terrain and geological structural interpretation. (2) Image fusion using a pan-sharpened IHS technique produced a higher resolution multi-spectral (MS) image. (3) The higher resolution MS image is blended with the SAR-DEM to produce an image terrain map. (4) Two complementary composites were then produced. The first image map contains of geomorphic features/surficial geology GIS layers, and 3D terrain information derived from the SAR-DEM image. The second image map is a composite of geomorphic features/surficial geology blended with the SAR-DEM-ETM+ image map. Integrated image maps generated in steps 1 and 3 provide standardized image base maps to display surficial geological and terrain information.