Shaping a Discipline. (Book Reviews: Clinical Psychology as Science and Profession. A Forty-Year Odyssey)
Psychology as Science and Profession: A Forty-Year Odyssey. By David Shakow. Price, $12.50. Pp 350. Aldine Publishing Company, 529 S Wabash Ave, Chicago 60605, 1969. David Shakow has long been a creative contributing scientist in the field of clinical psychology. He has worked with other distinguished people such as David Rappaport and taught many students who rose to high positions. More than that, he has influenced his profession toward achieving high standards of practice and research. To know him is to like and admire him, to read his writings is to be informed and stimulated. This volume is a collection of 27 papers concerned with clinical psychology as science and profession but these are only a fraction of his original publications. The epilogue for the collection is a beautiful expression of the present status of clinical psychology and its relationship to other fields. Read these sentences: "This rapidly changing world may be calling for quite different approaches and we must allow for such changes. Nevertheless, some of us believe that there are a few eternal verities. Among these is quality of performance." This epitomizes Shakow's professional life. The book should be owned and read by all students of psychology and psychiatry. Those already in these professions will delight in rereading and restudying the collected papers. ROY R. GRINKER, SR., MD