Peer-Reviewed Literature on Grain Legume Species in the WoS (1980–2018): A Comparative Analysis of Soybean and Pulses
M. Jeuffroy | S. Walrand | C. Larré | J. Chardigny | J. Wery | M. Magrini | G. Plumecocq | E. Journet | G. Arvisenet | C. Nguyen-the | V. Micard | G. Duc | M. Pilet-Nayel | A. Baranger | M. Amiot | M. Anton | A. Voisin | Tristan Salord | Guillaume Cabanac | L. Bedoussac | Dominique Millot | H. Juin | Matteo Lascialfari | Hugues Leiser | G. Cabanac