Exploring Visual-Audio Composition Alignment Network for Quality Fashion Retrieval in Video

Fashion retrieval in video suffers from the issues of imperfect visual representation and low quality of search results under the E-commercial circumstance. Previous works generally focus on searching the identical images from visual perspective only, but lack of leveraging multi-modal information for high quality commodities. As a cross-domain problem, instructional or exhibiting audio reveals rich semantic information to facilite the video-to-shop task. In this paper, we present a novel Visual-Audio Composition Alignment Network (VACANet) to deal with quality fashion retrieval in video. Firstly, we introduce the visual-audio composition module in VACANet aiming to distinguish attentive and residual entities by learning semantic embedding from both visual and audio streams. Secondly, a quality alignment training scheme is then designed by quality-aware triplet mining and domain alignment constraint for video-to-image adaptation. Finally, extensive experiments conducted on challenging video datasets demonstrate the scalable effectiveness of our model in alleviating quality fashion retrieval.

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