Consistency of the Full and Reduced Order Models for Evolve-Filter-Relax Regularization of Convection-Dominated, Marginally-Resolved Flows

Numerical stabilization is often used to eliminate (alleviate) the spurious oscillations generally produced by full order models (FOMs) in under-resolved or marginally-resolved simulations of convection-dominated flows. In this paper we investigate the role of numerical stabilization in reduced order models (ROMs) of convection-dominated, marginally-resolved flows. Specifically, we investigate the FOM-ROM consistency, i.e., whether the numerical stabilization is beneficial both at the FOM and the ROM level. As a numerical stabilization strategy, we focus on the evolvefilter-relax (EFR) regularization algorithm, which centers around spatial filtering. To investigate the FOM-ROM consistency, we consider two ROM strategies: (i) the EFR-ROM, in which the EFR stabilization is used at the FOM level, but not at the ROM level; and (ii) the EFR-EFRROM, in which the EFR stabilization is used both at the FOM and at the ROM level. We compare the EFR-ROM with the EFR-EFRROM in the numerical simulation of a 2D flow past a circular cylinder in the convection-dominated, marginally-resolved regime. We also perform model reduction with respect to both time and Reynolds number. Our numerical investigation shows that the EFR-EFRROM is more accurate than the EFR-ROM, which suggests that FOM-ROM consistency is beneficial in convection-dominated, marginally-resolved flows.

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