Integrating remote health actors to an e-health intuitive cooperation platform development

The "Agenda for the Connectivity in the Americas" defines health as an area of greatest importance to society; simultaneously ICT are seen by major telehealth players as means and tools for human health development. It is then extremely important not only to give access to connectivity to isolated areas, but also to integrate local health actors in each project. This integration is planed in all E-lLnk Americas Health Project's development steps: from evaluation of the user's needs, coordination of the activities and results evaluation. This paper describes the effort to start simultaneously telehealth pilot project in four Central American countries in isolated areas and the development, with local leaders decisive participation, of a eHealth cooperative platform's prototype based on the health needs study's results. These actions merged in a workshop which aimed to the complete integration of local players in the prototype development as well in the pilot's first phase's planning.