Gyrate atrophy ofthechoroid andretina: ERG ofthe neural retina andthepigment epithelium
performedwithadispos-ablecornealwickelectrodedescribedbySievingetal'4andslightlymodifiedbyus. Therecordingmethodis described in detail elsewhere.8 Asnolid speculum wasused, the subject wasable toblink. Theelectrodewasplacedonthesurfaceofthe topically anaesthetisedeye(0 4%oxybupro-caine hydrochloride, Oftan Obucain), where itsettled above the margin ofthe lower lid. Theelectrodeis welltolerated, andoccasionalblink-ingkeepsit moist.Beckmann's Ag-AgCl disk electrodes wereusedas ground(on the forehead) andreference(on the ipsilateral temple) electrodes. Thepreparationsfortherecordingwereperformedin
[1] P. Sieving,et al. Corneal wick electrode for recording bright flash electroretinograms and early receptor potentials. , 1978, Archives of ophthalmology.
[2] E. Berson,et al. Plasma amino-acids in hereditary retinal disease. Ornithine, lysine, and taurine. , 1976, The British journal of ophthalmology.