Alpha Subunit of Glycoprotein Hormone: Presence in Peripheral Serum after LHRH

Abstract. A method is described for the selective measurement of human luteinizing hormone (hLH) and α subunit. The assays employ highly purified tracers of hLH and of subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCGα) and a “mixed population” of antibody: Population I (directed against determinants on β subunit of hCG) and Population II (directed against determinants on a subunit of hCG). The former is present in greater concentration than the latter. When the mixed antibody is used at high dilution (1:1.2 × 106), Population II is effectively diluted out, and using 125I‐labelled hLH as tracer, the assay recognize hLH, hCG and their β subunits 20–50 times more sensitively than hCGα. When the mixed antibody is used at fivefold higher concentration, Population I is present in relative excess and acts as a “sink” for hCG, hLH and their β subunits. Under these conditions, using 125I‐hCGα as tracer, the assay recognize the α subunit 20 to 50‐fold more sensitively than hLH and hCG. These assays have been employed in the study of sera which have been filtered over Sephadex G‐100. Alpha subunit was detected in serum within minutes after intravenous injection of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) in four subjects tested.