Designing an innovative educational toolbox to support the transition to new technologies

Our economies and societies are becoming more and more knowledge based which implies that increasing numbers of people need to be educated and trained on new subjects and processes. Thus, the reduction of the effort needed to design and prepare educational and training programmes that meet the needs of the society and the market is of paramount importance. To achieve this goal, first, we define a learning programme model so that programme designers can easily exchange and re-use programme structures and learning materials. The proposed model additionally enables easier creation of interdisciplinary programmes which is another need of today’s market. Second, we deploy a web-based tool that adopts this model towards facilitating the re-use of structures and materials. Third, to reduce the time required for the training actors to sense the market needs, we propose the establishment of an educational programme marketplace. All three endeavours have been validated in the energy transition sector and (positively) evaluated by experts during an international workshop.