Robust Propulsion Control in all Flight Stages of a Throtteable Ducted Rocket

The development and manufacturing of ducted rockets has been a core technology of Bayern-Chemie in Germany for more than 30 years. This paper covers the recent achievements in the control of a solid Throtteable Duct Rocket during all flight stages, from launch through the booster phase, transition from rocket to ramjet and the sustained phase of ramjet flight. The first section of this paper provides an overview of the motor and the mathematical model of the entire system. This is followed by a description of the controller and a comparison between Monte-Carlo simulation results, selected realworld results from Connected Pipe (CP), Quasi-Free Jet (QFJ) motor tests and a recent real-world flight trial. The result analysis shows that the high performance of the motor is never compromised as the controller ensures a stable and dynamic transition from the rocket phase of the flight to the ramjet phase. Due to confidentiality reasons, the results presented in the paper are normalized.