Adaptive control using neural networks and approximate models

The NARMA model is an exact representation of the input-output behavior of finite-dimensional nonlinear discrete-time dynamical systems in a neighborhood of the equilibrium state. However, it is not convenient for purposes of adaptive control using neural networks due to its nonlinear dependence on the control input. Hence, quite often, approximate methods are used for realizing the neural controllers to overcome computational complexity. In this paper, we introduce two classes of models which are approximations to the NARMA model, and which are linear in the control input. The latter fact substantially simplifies both the theoretical analysis as well as the practical implementation of the controller. Extensive simulation studies have shown that the neural controllers designed using the proposed approximate models perform very well, and in many cases even better than an approximate controller designed using the exact NARMA model. In view of their mathematical tractability as well as their success in simulation studies, a case is made in this paper that such approximate input-output models warrant a detailed study in their own right.