Lab VIEW Based Process Control andMonitoring For Industrial Process Parameters
In a modern industry there are a variety of processes that are to be controlled from a central place. These processes may be located from a far of place within an industry. Each process will also have a separate data acquiring and controlling mechanism – an individual embedded system that controls the process. In many times these processes have to be coordinated within themselves and with the central controller for the proper operation and to have a fault tolerance system. In this project a sugar industry is considered and the process of syrup processing mechanism is taken into consideration. It has many processes such as sugar cane crushing to extract syrup, transferring it to the heater where it is heated and passed on to a mixer where it’s mixed with other solutions. In each of these processes there is a dedicated control system that performs data logging and control operations. There is also a PC as master system that acts as a virtual instrument. Further all the obtained data and the control data are displayed on the PC which runs Lab VIEW which is an advanced measurement and automation software. The project provides a good combination of various protocol implementations in creating a bidirectional noiseless network and usage of an advanced graphical user interface in process control. This project replaces large control panels that are placed in large rooms. Further there is no mechanical gauges or control knobs. Everything is brought under a single PC making it highly dynamic at the same time cost effective.