Towards best practices in software teamwork

Because software development is very definitely a team effort involving unclear, intractable or fuzzy real-world problems, coursework on technical skills and theoretical concepts is not enough to prepare computer science students for the "real world". As educators come to realize this, software engineering curricula are increasingly including capstone project work, in many cases team-oriented. Computer science students, however, rarely have adequate interpersonal and team skills to succeed at these projects and faculty are typically ill-prepared to teach them. Few, if any, Ph.D. programs in computer science teach how to coach teams or instruct team skills. Although our software engineering program has included a significant real-world development project for over ten years, and we have valued team skills since the onset of the program, we are only now beginning to understand how to explicitly teach those skills. The aim of this paper is to identify the team skills most critical for students to learn, to work towards an understanding how and when to teach which skills, to articulate some exercises and assignments that teach those skills, and to identify future work that would help faculty and students better meet team skills learning objectives.