Software detection and capturing of pulse signal
In allusion to measuring the wavelength of plus laser using the FabryPerot etalon, we put forward a concrete method to detect and capture the plus signal: Firstly basing on the gray characteristic of the sequential images captured real-timely by image card and the trait of the interferogram, select the average gray-value of given region of image as the characteristic value, then acquire the characteristic value of each frame to draw the statistical histogram, calculate threshold based upon the statistical histogram through selecting reasonable algorithm. Secondly write callback program of image processing on the basis of the development library provided with the image card together to complete parallel image processing, image capturing and image processing at the same time. Judging whether this frame contains the plus information that we wanted through comparing the characteristic value with the predefined threshold, decide whether or not to give out the command of stopping capturing and freezing image. The key of this method is correctly calculating the threshold and redeveloping the user program of image card to complete parallel image processing.