Färbung der Linsenkapsel mit Trypanblau zur Visualisierung der Kapsulorhexis bei Maturkataraktchirurgie

Background A capsulorhexis may be difficult to perform in the absence of a red fundus reflex. Patients and Methods After application of 0.3 mL trypan blue 0.1%, a quick and homogeneous staining of the anterior lens capsule was obtained in 100 patients with a mature cataract, to visualize the capsulorhexis during a phacoemulsification procedure. Results No adverse reactions related to the dye were observed up to 18 months after surgery. Conclusion Trypan blue staining of the anterior lens capsule may therefore be a safe technique to facilitate the performance of a capsulorhexis in the absence of a red fundus reflex.