Geometrical and Material Non-Linear Formulation for Bend Stiffeners

A mathematical formulation and a numerical solution for the geometrical and material non-linear analysis of bend stiffeners — employed to protect the upper terminations of flexible risers and subsea umbilical cables — are presented in this paper. The differential equations governing the problem result from geometrical compatibility, equilibrium of forces and moments and material constitutive relations, which can be linear elastic symmetric or non-linear elastic asymmetric. In this latter case, the bending moment versus curvature for each cross-section is calculated and then expressed by a polynomial power series expansion. Hence, a set of four first order non-linear ordinary differential equations is written and boundary conditions are defined at both ends. A one-parameter shooting method is employed and results are presented for a case study where linear elastic symmetric and non-linear elastic asymmetric constitutive models are compared and discussed. It is shown that an accurate analysis of bend stiffeners depends on a precise assessment of the material constitutive property.© 2004 ASME