Progress in Fabrication and Modeling of Microstructured Optical Fibers

We discuss recent advancements made in the fabrication and theoretical modeling of microstructured optical fibers and highlight opportunities for these fibers for low-loss transmission, nonlinear applications, and sensing.

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[11]  Ammar Hideur,et al.  Theoretical and experimental study of the birefringence of a photonic crystal fiber , 2003 .

[12]  David J. Richardson,et al.  Extruded singlemode non-silica glass holey optical fibres , 2002 .

[13]  R. McPhedran,et al.  Symmetry and degeneracy in microstructured optical fibers. , 2001, Optics letters.

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[17]  John A. Rogers,et al.  Tunable devices based on dynamic positioning of micro-fluids in micro-structured optical fiber , 2002 .

[18]  M Ibanescu,et al.  Low-loss asymptotically single-mode propagation in large-core OmniGuide fibers. , 2001, Optics express.

[19]  Albert Ferrando,et al.  Spatial soliton formation in photonic crystal fibers. , 2003, Optics express.

[20]  Katsuhiro Takenaga,et al.  Boundary element method for analysis of holey optical fibers , 2003 .

[21]  Anatoly Efimov,et al.  Phase-matched third harmonic generation in microstructured fibers. , 2003, Optics express.

[22]  A. Zheltikov,et al.  Spectral broadening of femtosecond laser pulses in fibers with a photonic-crystal cladding , 2000 .

[23]  David J. Richardson,et al.  Understanding bending losses in holey optical fibers , 2003 .

[24]  B.J. Eggleton,et al.  Cladding-mode-resonances in air-silica microstructure optical fibers , 2000, Journal of Lightwave Technology.