Studies on the rice LEAF INCLINATION1 (LC1), an IAA-amido synthetase, reveal the effects of auxin in leaf inclination control.

The angle of rice leaf inclination is an important agronomic trait and closely related to the yields and architecture of crops. Although few mutants with altered leaf angles have been reported, the molecular mechanism remains to be elucidated, especially whether hormones are involved in this process. Through genetic screening, a rice gain-of-function mutant leaf inclination1, lc1-D, was identified from the Shanghai T-DNA Insertion Population (SHIP). Phenotypic analysis confirmed the exaggerated leaf angles of lc1-D due to the stimulated cell elongation at the lamina joint. LC1 is transcribed in various tissues and encodes OsGH3-1, an indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) amido synthetase, whose homolog of Arabidopsis functions in maintaining the auxin homeostasis by conjugating excess IAA to various amino acids. Indeed, recombinant LC1 can catalyze the conjugation of IAA to Ala, Asp, and Asn in vitro, which is consistent with the decreased free IAA amount in lc1-D mutant. lc1-D is insensitive to IAA and hypersensitive to exogenous BR, in agreement with the microarray analysis that reveals the altered transcriptions of genes involved in auxin signaling and BR biosynthesis. These results indicate the crucial roles of auxin homeostasis in the leaf inclination control.

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