Studies on energy response of newly developed LiF:Mg,Cu,P TL chips with additional PbO doping.

One of the most important characteristics of thermoluminescent detectors, if they are intended to be used in a wide range of energies, is their energy response. A comparison of the energy characteristics of the newly developed LiF:Mg,Cu,P chips with additional PbO doping (GR-200E) against GR-200A LiF:Mg,Cu,P was attempted to improve further the accuracy of personal dosimetry. Hp(10) energy response of GR-200E is quite different from that of GR-200A. For GR-200E, the anomalous energy response can be eliminated and the over-response to low-energy photons should be filtered properly. The GR-200E under the copper filter provided results within 4 % with respect to the conventional quantity value over the energy range from 65 to 1250 keV. The ratio of the Hp(10) response of the Cu-covered filters for GR-200A to that of those covered with plastic for GR-200E is a very good tool for identifying the radiation quality in the range studied. The accuracy in the dose evaluated from TLD measurements can be greatly increased.