The two-dimensional Danish Eulerian Model has been developed during the 80'ies. More than 70 chemical reactions (some of them photochemical) are involved in the model. The space domain of the model covers the whole of Europe. It has been discretized by using a (32 × 32) equidistant spatial grid. The concentrations and the species calculated by the model were compared both with measurements taken over land and with measurements taken over sea. The model has also been run by using finer grids; as, for example, a (96 × 96) grid. The experiments indicated that in general the model calculates rather reliable results. However, it is also clear that the results might be improved if a three-dimensional version of the model is developed. Three-dimensional air pollution models are very time-consuming. Therefore the development of a reliable three-dimensional version of an air pollution model is a very challenging task. The efforts to solve some of the numerical problems arising during the development of a large three-dimensional air pollution model (with non-linear chemical reactions) will be discussed in this paper.
Zahari Zlatev,et al.
Studying high ozone concentrations by using the Danish Eulerian model
Zahari Zlatev,et al.
Running Air Pollution Models on Massively Parallel Machines
Parallel Comput..
Z. Zlatev,et al.
Modeling the long-range transport of air pollutants
IEEE Computational Science and Engineering.
Z. Zlatev,et al.
A comparison of the predictions of an eulerian atmospheric transport — chemistry model with experimental measurements over the North sea
Zahari Zlatev,et al.
A Eulerian air pollution model for Europe with nonlinear chemistry
Zahari Zlatev,et al.
Computer Treatment of Large Air Pollution Models