Impact Resistance of Interleaved FRP Using Non-Woven Fabric as Interleaf Materials

The vacuum assisted resin transfer molding process (VaRTM) is a lower-cost molding method than autoclave molding, and therefore the VaRTM method is preferred for use with structural composites molding. On the other hand, interleaf technology is known as an effective method for improving impact resistance for composite laminates. However, it is impossible to exploit polymer films as interleaf materials when using the VaRTM processing method as resin impregnation in the thickness direction is prevented by the interleaf films. To overcome this problem, the focus of this study was to use non-woven fabric as interleaf materials that were compatible with the VaRTM method and to evaluate their performance. The rate of impregnation by resin for non-interleaved and interleaved FRP was similar. Impact resistance for interleaved FRP had improved by interleaving non-woven fabric. The polyamide non-woven fabric used as interleaves in FRP suppressed crack propagation in the interlaminar region. It is believed that the degree of adhesion of the fabric to the matrix resin is an important factor on the suppression of crack propagation.