Kalsifiye kronik subdural hematom

Kalsifiye kronik subdural hematom nadir karsilasilan bir hastaliktir. Bu durum, gecirilmis travmalara veya yetersiz cerrahi girisimlere ikincil olarak gelisebilir. Etiyolojisi halen net olarak anlasilamadigindan tedavi sekli konusunda ihtilaflar mevcuttur. Bu makalede, kalsifiye kronik subdural hematomlu, 27 yasinda erkek hasta sunuldu. Hastanin 5 yil once trafik kazasi sonrasi baska bir merkezde ameliyat gecirme oykusu vardi. Nobet gecirme, bas agrisi ve bas donmesi sikâyeti ile basvurdu. Norolojik muayenede patoloji saptanmadi. Norogoruntulemede, sag frontotemporoparietal bolgede kalsifiye kronik subdural hematom tespit edildi. Antiepileptik ve analjezik ilac uygulamasi ile izleme alindi.Kalsifiye kronik subdural hematomlu olgularda, cerrahi tedavi karari dikkatli ve titiz bir degerlendirme sonrasinda verilmeli ve hastaya fayda saglamayacak cerrahi islemlerden kacinilmalidir. Klinik izlem goz onunde bulundurulmalidir. Calcified chronic subdural hematoma Calcified subdural hematoma is a rarely seen event. It may develop secondary to previous trauma or inappropriate surgical procedures. Due to the not well understood etiology, there are variations in the treatment choices. We present a 27-year old male patient with calcified chronic subdural hematoma. He was operated on following an motorcycle accident in another hospital 5 years ago. He was admitted to our hospital complaining about seizure, headache and dizziness. Neuroradiological examination revealed a calcified chronic subdural hematoma was detected on the right hemisphere. The patient was hospitalized and put on anti-epileptic and analgesic drugs. Any surgical treatment was not applied. In cases with calcified chronic subdural hematoma, the decision of surgical operation should be decided after a carefully and meticulously investigation. It should be avoided any profitless and likely harmful surgical procedures. The clinical observation may be appropriate in the determination of treatment approaches. J. Exp. Clin. Med., 2012; 29:159-161