진동시험을 통한 강판콘크리트(SC) 전단벽의 저응력수준에서의 구조 감쇠비 규명
Steel plate concrete (SC) structure has been developed as a new structural type. Rational damping value shall be determined for the seismic design of SC structure. This study evaluated damping ratio of SC structure through experiments. For the study, a SC shear wall specimen was constructed and dynamically tested on the shaking table. Acceleration time history responses measured from testing were converted to the transfer functions and analyzed by using experimental modal analysis technique. The structural damping ratio of the specimen was identified as 4% to critical. Considering the shaking table test was performed at the excitation level corresponding to the low stress level of the specimen, 4% could be suggested as a structural damping for design of SC structure for operating basis earthquake.
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[2] 김규호,et al. 하천공간 확보를 위한 홍수의 공간적 범람 분석 , 2015 .