초전도 케이블의 퀜치 특성에 대한 계통안전성 제어방식
This paper presents the basic quench protection idea for the HTS(High-Temperature Supeconducting) cable. In Korea power system, the transfer capability of transmission line is limited by the voltage stability, and HTS cable could be one of the countermeasure to solve the transfer limit as its higher current capacity and lower impedance[1]. However, the quench characteristic of HTS cable makes HTS cable to loss its superconductivity, and therefore change the impedance of the line and power system operating condition dramatically. This pheonominum threats not only HTS cable safety but also power system security, therefore a proper protection scheme and security control counterplan have to be established before HTS cable implementation. In this paper, the quench characteristics of HTS cable for the fault current based on heat balance equation was established and a proper protection method by FCL(Fault Current Limiter) was suggested.