Specification of a multipoint congram-oriented high performance internet protocol

G.M. Parulkar (Comput. Commun. Rev., vol.20, no.1, p.18-43, Jan. 1990) previously proposed a very high-speed internet (VHSI) abstraction that provides a variable grade of service with performance guarantees on top of diverse networks. An improvement component of the VHSI abstraction is a novel multipoint congram-oriented high-performance internet protocol (MCHIP). Features of this protocol include the following: support for multipoint communication; the congram as the service primitive, incorporating strengths of both connection and datagram approaches; the ability to provide a variable grade of service with performance guarantees; and suitability for high-speed implementation. The authors introduce the VHSI abstraction, focusing on the description of MCHIP.<<ETX>>