Application of IRIDIUM(R) system technology to UAV based PCS services to the warfighter

UAVs have been proposed as a platform for providing theater communications for the warfighter. UAVs have the advantage of being rapidly deployable and the potential to provide high capacity over-the-horizon communications. One potential application for UAV hosted communications is to provide personal communication services (PCS) to the warfighter. The key to this service is the use of low cost, battery powered, handheld terminals, while meeting the warfighter's unique requirements. This paper describes an adaptation of the IRIDIUM system satellite and ground terminal equipment to provide this capability to the warfighter. The paper describes the advantages of leveraging a satellite based versus a terrestrial based PCS system for a UAV application. Finally, the paper describes how the IRIDIUM system can be adapted to enhance its utility to the warfighter through new services such as netted voice and enhanced protection.